The hottest, cutest, scariest gay thriller you’ve ever seen? Could be!

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Remember anonymous, no-strings sexual encounters? Fun, weren’t they? Well, apparently not always, according to a new gay thriller that has been winning all the right audience awards (they’re the only awards worth having, in our not-so-humble opinion). Sequin in a Blue Room (that’s its name, don’t wear it out) is the story of a hot young Australian gay lad who has found his way into an ongoing sex-party situation, a glamorous set up where you have your fun and then move on. Except that, being young, he meets an older man and an obsession takes grip of him, leading him on an odyssey to get his hands (and other body parts) back on the object of his desire. ‘As terrifying as it is sweet’ is how one reviewer experienced it.

Available to stream from April 9 at and your regular streaming service.

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